Join us for a 3-day self-compassion workshop!
Saturday, October 15, 2022 9am-2pm (in person, in the Red Room at The Center SF, 548 Fillmore St., San Francisco)
Friday, October 21, 2022 11am-5pm (Zoom)
Friday, October 28, 2022 11am-5pm (Zoom)
Options to attend all three parts; online training only; retreat only. No CEs for retreat portion. Participants must attend both online training days (10/21, 10/28) in their entirety in order to receive CEs.
Full registration includes retreat (including lunch) and online workshop. $30 CE fee (optional for those who desire CEs). Retreat only (including lunch) are at three tiers $30, $50, or $75. Donations above the base registration fee for retreat only will help fund future diversity, equity, and inclusion projects, trainings, and scholarships.
ACT founder Steve Hayes frequently refers to the process of ACT work, gliding from process to process, as "hexadancing" with the client, and ACT founder Kelly Wilson encourages us to hold therapeutic space for mindfulness for two. Many clinicians already know that self-compassion (SC) adds a powerful amplifier to the ACT “dance.” In the last 10 years, SC has begun to explicitly occupy its rightful place in the ACT model and worldview as a central component that underpins effective ACT work. When fluidly combined with each of the six core ACT processes, SC smooths and strengthens the ACT dance. Yet, many clinicians are still not leveraging SC’s full scope and impact. Using clearly-specified behavioral building blocks, this interactive, experiential workshop will help you to integrate tender and fierce SC with all six core ACT processes.
We are offering a retreat as a lead-in to the 2-day training. This half-day retreat is a wonderful opportunity to get first-hand experience practicing some of the mindful self-compassion techniques that will be reviewed during the 2-day training. The retreat is specifically FOR YOU and your own wellness. It's a chance to recharge, reconnect with colleagues (in person!), and to nourish a connection with your body and mind. The retreat will be silent (up until lunch for participants) and all parts will be guided by Sarah Carr, LMFT. Following the retreat, we will break the silence to connect with colleagues over lunch in an informal setting. Lunch will be provided.
You can expect the following for the retreat portion of the day:
- Welcome and introduction.
- Guided sitting and walking meditation.
- Gentle mindful movement and compassion focused practices.
- Journaling and group reflection (at the beginning of lunch portion).
- Retreat will unfold 9am-1pm, followed immediately by lunch at 1pm.
The 2-day, online training (on two consecutive Fridays 10/21/22 and 10/28/22) will be presented by Ben Weinstein, PhD. The 2-day online workshop will include talks, guided meditations/exercises, experiential exercises, group discussion, and individual reflection. Participants will directly experience self-compassion, learn skills to evoke self-compassion in daily life and how to share these with clients. Although some familiarity with mindfulness is helpful, no previous experience with mindfulness, self-compassion or meditation is required to participate in this workshop.
Learning Objectives: After participating in this workshop training, participants will be able to:
1: Describe the connection between Neff’s (2003) self-compassion model and the psychological flexibility model that underlies ACT clinical work
2: Describe Christopher Germer’s three-level model for comprehensive integration of self-compassion into psychotherapy: presence, relationship, and interventions with clients in a therapy context.
3: Describe a model for overlaying self-compassion as a supporting process for each of the 6 core ACT processes (present moment awareness, acceptance, defusion, observing self, valuing and committed action)
4: Demonstrate in-session presence and flexible therapist flexible responding using self-compassion skills to manage therapist fusion and emotional avoidance (EA)
5: Identify and describe specific, in-session “entry points” to introduce self-compassion perspectives and interventions with clients
6: Implement and demonstrate clinical use of compassionate/self-compassionate dialogue using 3Rs to foster compassionate, empowering clinical relationships
7: Recognize and clinically apply tender elements of self-compassion to clinically support mindfulness and acceptance processes of the psychological flexibility model
8: Recognize and clinically apply fierce elements of self-compassion to clinically support commitment and behavior change processes of the psychological flexibility model
9: Recognize and respond to backdraft, the discomfort that can arise when people practice self-compassion
10: Be able to demonstrate the practical “4 Ns” model to help adult clients apply self-compassion behaviorally in daily life
11: Apply self-kindness for motivation kindness to transition clients from being caught in self-criticism and self-blame
Schedule for the Friday online trainings (10/21, 10/28):
11:00am - 12:30pm SESSION
12:30pm - 12:40pm BREAK
12:40pm - 1:50pm SESSION
1:50pm - 2pm BREAK
2pm - 3:30pm SESSION
3:30pm - 3:40pm BREAK
3:40pm - 5pm SESSION
Target audience: psychologists and other mental health professionals at the beginner (no experience), intermediate, and/or advanced levels of experience/familiarity with self-compassion and/or ACT. Earn eleven (11) CEs for psychologists and for California-licensed marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and other licensed mental health professionals. If you are licensed in another state other than as a psychologist, please check with your respective board to verify that APA approved CEs are eligible for your license maintenance requirements. CEs are awarded contingent on timely submission of post-event paperwork by event organizers.
Attendees must attend the full online workshop (10/21 and 10/28) in its entirety in order to earn CEs (no exceptions).
The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Association for Contextual Behavioral Science maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
About Our Presenters:
Sarah Carr, LMFT is the Founder and Director of mindfulSF, a wellness center in San Francisco that provides evidence-based treatments for OCD and anxiety-related conditions and mindfulness and compassion focused training. Sarah specializes in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC). She is a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher through Brown University, and has also trained in Compassion Focused Therapy. Sarah has attended over a dozen residential mindfulness retreats, and is passionate about sharing these practices with other clinicians.
Ben Weinstein, PhD is a clinical psychologist, a Certified Teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion, expert faculty for Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy online certification, ACT trained since 2006 and an ACT trainer in Southeast Asia (not peer certified). Ben is a highly experienced trainer and facilitator who designs and delivers interactive, experiential training sessions for diverse groups of human service, healthcare, humanitarian and corporate clients. He frequently trains therapists in Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other Southeast Asian countries. More information at benweinstein.com.
Neither presenter has any financial and/or commercial disclosures or conflicts of interest.
Additional Event Information: This 3-day event includes an in-person retreat (at the Center SF) on 10/15/22 followed by 2 days of online training on 10/21/22 and 10/28/22. Please join us for the self-compassion retreat, facilitated by our Chapter President, Sarah Carr, LMFT, on 10/15. Your participation at the retreat is highly encouraged though not required. There will be a lunch immediately following the retreat. CEs may be earned for the online trainings on 10/21 and 10/28 (11 CEs ). Please note that due to international time zone differences for one of our presenters, there will only be a brief breaks for each of the Friday trainings. Please plan accordingly. Feel free to bring snack/lunch to nosh on during the online training.
Please contact Sarah Carr at sarah@mindfulsf.com if you have any questions.
Refund Policy
If you cancel your registration:
21 or more days before the date of the event, we’ll refund all of your registration fee or give you credit to a future event;
20 to 7 days before the event, we’ll refund 75% of your fee;
Fewer than 7 days before an event, we’ll refund 50% of your fee.
If you don’t cancel before the event begins, we can’t refund your fees, but we’ll give you a credit toward a future event in the amount of 50% of your registration fee. If we cancel an event for any reason, of course, we’ll refund all of your registration fees. Continuing-education certification fees can be refunded until the day before the event. They become non-refundable on the first day of the event (10/21/2022 in this case). Continuing-education certification purchased at an event is non-refundable.